9th TESS/16th Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Workshop
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
7-11 July 2025
Building on the enduring legacy of the Kepler mission, which continues to unveil the internal dynamics of stars, and the ever-growing oscillating stellar populations from TESS, the opportunities to advance our understanding of stellar physics are expanding at an unprecedented pace.
In the last decade, major asteroseismic discoveries regarding the internal structure and dynamical processes of stars have led the community to revisit angular momentum transport processes, advance the impact of stellar formation, binarity and star-planet interactions on stellar evolution, and provide invaluable constraints for exoplanetary sciences and galacto-archeology. The TASC9/KASC16 workshop will focus on synergies between communties accross the HR diagram, with a dedicated attention to bridging methodologies and unifying discoveries towards a better understanding of stellar processes.
The workshop will take place from 7-11 July 2025 at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) near Vienna. Online participation will also be possible.
For inquiries, email tasc9-kasc16@ista.ac.at .
Important dates
The following key dates are envisaged (subject to change):
July 2024: Announcement of the TASC9/KASC16 Workshop during the TASC8/KASC15 Workshop.
December 2024: First announcement.
January 2025: Second announcement. Registration and abstract submission open.
April 2025: Deadline for student registration waiver applications.
May 2025: Deadline for contributed talk abstracts.
June 2025: Deadline for (physical) poster abstracts. Early registration payment closes.
July 2025: Deadline for online-only poster abstracts. Late registration and online-only registration payment close.
7-11 July 2025: TASC9/KASC16 Workshop
Lisa Bugnet — Chair — Institute fo Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Austria
Konstanze Zwintz — Co-Chair — University of Innsbruck, Austria
Jeroen Audenaert — Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Dominic Bowman — Newcastle University, UK
Leila Cacaferro — Observatorio Astronómico, Argentina
Maria Pia Di Mauro — Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Italy
Daniel Hey — University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA
Stéphane Mathis — Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), France
Savita Mathur — Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Spain
Emese Plachy — Konkoly Observatory, Hungary
Amalie Stokholm — University of Birmingham, UK
Koh Takahashi — National Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Japan
Lisa Bugnet — Chair
Konstanze Zwintz — Co-chair
Reka Tatar — Event organizer
Lilla Kukor — Event organizer
Lucas Barrault
Ilaria Caiazzo
Srijan Bharati Das
Lukas Einramhof
Ylva Götberg
Desmond Grossman
Johannes Jørgensen
Norbert Przybilla
Kanah Smith